CAT LOVE LADY, the self-proclaimed Earth Mother of peace, love, and understanding in Avon, CT is a fraud. Despite years of displaying Woke, sanctimonious signs in her yard, making visits to school children, and portraying herself as the victim of evil incarnate, she is just another liberal who believes her world view is the only one and that other voices should be silenced.

CAT LOVE LADY (that’s what it says on the license plate of her Prius) was caught driving around in her neighborhood in the dead of night taking Republican yard signs and putting them in her car. The cops actually saw her doing it, but she was so nonchalant that they thought she was removing her own signs. Only when they received a complaint did the cops show up at her house to confront her.

When caught red-handed, CAT LOVE LADY’s defense was that she thought the signs were on public property. Apparently, it was her civic duty to drive around in the dead of night removing election signs. And having been caught in the act, she graciously offered to put them back. No harm, no foul, right?

It’s interesting that CAT LOVE LADY didn’t take any Democratic election signs that were supposedly on public property. It’s also interesting that she believes she has the authority to police public property. In fact, Avon, CT has a Zoning Enforcement Officer whose job it is to police public property. If CAT LOVE LADY had a legitimate complaint, rather than just a desire for censorship, it should have been lodged with the Town of Avon, who would know the rules and enforce them as necessary.

Now CAT LOVE LADY is too old to be a Snowflake, but perhaps she was triggered by all those nasty signs that said Vote Republican. But if people can be triggered by a display of conservatism, isn’t it true that people could be triggered by displays of liberalism? CAT LOVE LADY’s house is a two-story, multi-acre bastion of liberal propaganda right along a main road. By her own estimate, she has over forty signs on display at any time. And she stands guard with an airhorn to fend off anyone who might give her the finger as they drive by to express their opposition to her point of view. So much for peace, love, and understanding.

CAT LOVE LADY is just another liberal who lives by Rules for Thee, But Not for Me. She is a sanctimonious fraud, an utter hypocrite. I hope she dies a slow, painful death while her mind remains functioning enough to realize that she and her virtue-signaling kind are loathed by half of the people of this country. First Amendment rights belong to everyone, not just liberals.



Add Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut to the list of hypocritical, elitist, Woke academics who think people actually give a shit about their virtue-signaling.

First of all, Trinity is in the heart of Hartford, surrounded by drug dens and abject poverty. They’ve kept their ivy-covered buildings, manicured courtyards, and cobblestone walks, but you wouldn’t want your son or daughter or snowflake to step foot off campus. Trinity touts itself as Woke, as DEI, as ESG, but hasn’t done anything to improve the lives of its immediate neighbors.

Second, Trinity is over-rated. It has a hefty price tag and touts how exclusive it is, but that’s because they play the game of pumping up applications to make it appear as if it’s tough to get in. Trinity can’t hold a candle to its Wesleyan counterpart in nearby Middletown, nor to other comparable schools like Amherst, Williams, or Bowdoin. Trinity survives because parents are willing to shell out a small fortune for the perceived hood ornament of an elite school, when their sons or daughters or whatevers can’t get into the truly good ones. Trinity is a safety school for the Woke elites.

Trinity makes this appearance because of its recent display of complete and utter hypocrisy. Citing a school regulation about a prohibition on the displaying of flags, some school official wearing a liberal cause t-shirt, removed two conservative flags from the exterior of a dorm, while LGBQT+#@* and Black Lives Matter flags were on display in the same courtyard.

One triggering flag had a Gadsden snake super-imposed on the American flag, while the other American flag displayed a blue stripe in support of the police, a red stripe in support of firefighters, and a green stripe in support of some other group of do-gooders.

The liberal Karen from Trinity couldn’t explain why the conservative flags were forcibly removed while the liberal flags were allowed to remain. She couldn’t explain why the owners of the conservative flags were having their First Amendment rights squashed by a school that preaches DEI, ESG, and other Woke flavors of the month.

Meanwhile, the white male maintenance man holding the Karen’s step-ladder looked away from the camera the entire time, clearly not wanting any part of Trinity’s Woke virtue-signaling theater.

Dark Brandon Made Me Do It


Just when you thought Joe Biden couldn’t be more stupid, he goes and forgives billions of dollars worth of student debt. And what he did was not only stupid, it is highly questionable politically, and probably illegal. Maybe it was his alter ego, Dark Brandon (DB), who did it.

DB has alienated anyone who made the sacrifices necessary to pay off a student loan.

DB has alienated anyone who went to a less prestigious school because they couldn’t afford the loans required for a more prestigious school.

DB has alienated anyone who didn’t go to college because they couldn’t afford the loan payments.

DB has alienated anyone who didn’t go to college, but took out loans to get their careers started.

DB has alienated anyone who believes that government should not print money to fund it whims.

DB has alienated anyone who believes taxpayers should not pay for the debt of private citizens.

DB has alienated anyone who believes government should not bail out special interests.

DB has alienated anyone who believes that commitments made and obligations assumed should be fulfilled.

So why incur all this alienation? Or the cost of the inevitable lawsuits? Who benefits from this debacle? Perhaps a handful of elite liberals who are going to vote for DB anyway. Maybe even DB’s puppeteers who have loans themselves or loans to repay for their children. But that is nickel and dime stuff.

The key to this “program” is that the dollar figure has a “B” in front of it. Hundreds of Bs, perhaps as much as $500,000,000,000. And programs of that size are never tracked, never fully accounted for. Do we know where all the pandemic money went? Do we know where all the money earmarked for Ukraine is going? Do we know where the money for the Inflation Production Act is going to go?

The government itself admits that hundreds of millions of dollars in pandemic relief money is unaccounted for. What’s a few hundred million when we’re talking billions? And that’s were Joe Biden, Dark Brandon, ain’t stupid. In fact, he is as smart as the come when it comes to grifting, when it comes to corruption. You can bet that Biden, Inc. will benefit from the $500 billion student loan forgiveness program, at the expense of taxpayers.



The raid at Mar-A-Lago might just get Donald Trump re-elected. After years of trying to impugn his character, undermine his presidency, and literally put him in jail, the Democrats have made him a sympathetic character.

Yes, Trump is crude, boastful, thin-skinned, and brash. But he also appeals to half the country, many of whom used to be solid Democrats. There is something about him, his policies, and his actions that attracts conservatives, and not just the right-wing zealots that the Democrats would have you believe occupy MAGA Country. There are thoughtful, moderate, peaceful conservatives who believe in border security, strength in foreign policy, fiscal restraint, STEM not CRT in schools, and the rule of law.

And these thoughtful, moderate conservatives believe that the rule of law should be applied fairly and equitably. If we didn’t know it already, the Mar-A-Lago raid demonstrates that the DOJ is a political weapon. And it was used in this case by the Democrats in their on-going efforts to discredit or disqualify Trump.

What predicate did the FBI have for the raid? The DOJ isn’t saying. When provided the opportunity to be transparent about their justification and motives, the DOJ hid behind “on-going investigations”, “protection of witnesses”, and “the desire not to divulge the direction of potential prosecution”.

Did they really need to raid the home with FBI agents? There were months of negotiations with and collaboration by the Trump camp. There is doubt regarding whether the documents are even classified, or whether anything in them puts the American people at risk. Can the DOJ say the same thing about Joe Biden’s dealings with Ukraine and China? We don’t know because they won’t investigate the Biden Syndicate.

Taken as a whole, the raid on Mar-A-Lago looks, feels, and smells like a political witch hunt. The kind of fascism practiced in third-world countries. It is unprecedented in the U.S. and will likely turn out to be bogus. Not only has it unified the GOP base, but it has drawn the sympathy of others who say enough is enough. Two bogus attempts at impeachment did not work. Charges under the emoluments provision did not work. Investigating tax returns did not work. Stormy Daniels did not work. And the raid on Mar-A-Lago will not work, except to make Trump a sympathetic character in the face of fascist persecution.

Perhaps Donald Trump running for the presidency is exactly what the Democrats want. Perhaps they think he is more beatable than a more moderate opponent, like Ron DeSantis. Or perhaps they need an over-sized, caricatured foil to distract from the fact that they don’t have anything of substance to offer on their own. I’m betting on the latter…



Washington, DC mayor Muriel Bowser (no relation that we know of to the Sha Na Na guy), has broken federal law. She’s taken it upon herself, at taxpayer expense, to have flags with 51 stars made and displayed in the nation’s capital – on Flag Day. U.S. Code18-700 states, among other things, that defacing the U.S. flag is a crime punishable by fine or imprisonment or both.

The U.S. flag as authorized by Congress has 50 white stars representing the fifty states on a field of dark blue, with thirteen stripes representing the original colonies, seven red, six white, alternating with red stripes on the top and bottom edges. The layout and colors are very specific and protected in detail by law. People treat the representation, display, and handling of the flag very seriously. In fact, when Americans say “the flag”, they mean “THE flag” or “OUR flag”. One could argue that it is an act of treason or sedition to intentionally manipulate the array of the U.S. flag as Ms. Bowser did.

But that doesn’t matter to Ms. Bowser. She’s used the power of her office, and your money, to push a liberal agenda that has absolutely no chance of success just to draw attention to herself. Ms. Bower and the Democrats in Congress would love to see DC become the 51st state because DC is Democratic and it would tip the balance of power in their favor. Ms. Bowser’s flags with 51 stars is just a publicity stunt that for her as a Black, female Democrat will have no ramifications. In fact, it will probably increase her political capital within the echo chamber of the Beltway.

Washington, DC was created by the U.S. Constitution. Any change in status would require a Constitutional amendment, which has a snowflake’s chance in hell. Not to mention that Washington, DC is the one and only federal city in the U.S. and as such enjoys privileges that are too numerous to mention here. Does Ms. Bower want to relinquish those perks?

Now there is precedent in DC with mayors breaking the law and getting away with it. Remember Marion Barry? At least he was entertaining, and his only agenda was about getting himself high or laid. And there are LOTS of precedents for Democratic rules for thee, but not for me. See the many transgressions by Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Gretchen Witmer, just to name a few privileged Democrats. But imagine if Muriel Bowser were a White, male Republican? S/he’d be fined and thrown in jail as soon as the January 6th Committee could stage the latest kabuki theater show and claim that Democracy itself has been threatened.

The United States of Snowflakes


It must be tough being a Millennial in the U.S. There are still some of us non-Millennials out here who believe in productivity, responsibility, and accountability. And there are some of us who will criticize a person or group of people for their lack of these things, triggering Millennial escapes to safe spaces, demands to quell free speech (yes, criticism is free speech), and casting themselves in the narcissistic role of victim.

The current poster girl for this generation – and I mean girl in the sense of a spoiled, childish, immature female – is Taylor Lorenz. Ms. Lorenz grew up in affluence, attended a Swiss boarding school, and now works for Jeff Bezos’ Woke Washington Post, where “Democracy Dies in Darkness” (whatever that means). That is a script right out of the liberal/elite/virtue-signaling playbook.

In her short career, dedicated to the vacuous coverage of what’s trending on social media, Ms. Lorenz has proven to be unprofessional, irresponsible, and unethical, and yet very adept at casting herself as a victim when valid criticism comes her way.

She used her ample social media skills to accuse an editor from the Drudge Report of harassment, and when that accusation was proven to be false, she said she was just joking.

She decries the abuse that she and other women suffer daily on the internet and then doxed the female curator of the Libs of Tik Tok Twitter feed because that woman held up a mirror to the self-absorbed Karens and Taylors of the Millennial generation.

In her latest episode of hypocrisy, Ms. Lorenz claimed to have solicited comment from two primary subjects of an article that she wrote about the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard trial. She blatantly lied about having contacted them in advance – she hadn’t. When both subjects called her out publicly, the Woke Washington Post, where “Democracy Dies in Darkness” edited her article to remove the blatant lies without acknowledging the edits. Only when called out by FOX News did the Washington Post, where “Democracy Dies In Darkness”, acknowledge the (dark) edits.

For her part, Lorenz lied about the advance contact, then lied again about how and when she made contact. After she was called out about the original lies and subsequent obfuscation, she blamed her editor and said it is a campaign to discredit her over what was just a minor miscommunication, when in fact she violated one of the basic tenets of ethical journalism, if not morality 101: Tell the truth and admit your mistakes.

This, my friends, is what the Woke Culture has wrought. Taylor Lorenz is representative of the stupid, self-absorbed, narcissistic, unethical, irresponsible and soul-less person that will run this country for decades to come. God help us all.

A Spoonful of Fascism


The Biden Administration’s new Ministry of Truth is a fascist attempt to squelch free speech. They’re losing fair and square, so they have to cheat. Interesting that the announcement of it came just days after Elon Musk announced his acquisition of Twitter and the triggered snowflakes ran screaming for their safe spaces. Also interesting that it came to light in the Congressional testimony of Alejandro Mayorkas, the head of Homeland Security. Did the American people ask for such a ministry? Was it debated in Congress? Did Americans vote on it? Was Scary Poppins vetted for the job? Who knew there was a job opening?

Let’s consider Alejandro for a moment. Despite peddling the story of being a poor refugee from Communist Cuba, this guy is a white, rich, liberal elite. He grew up in Beverly Hills. He went to Cal Berkeley and cut his teeth on the liberalism of the California judicial system. Despite consistent and ample evidence to the contrary, he thinks he’s doing a good job on the southern border and will tell you so at every opportunity. That’s a page from the Nazi/Goebbels’s Handbook: Tell a lie loudly enough and often enough, silence those who dare to challenge it, and people will be forced to say they believe it. Enter Scary Poppins.

Scary Poppins, aka Weird Nina Yankowicz, was appointed by Alejandro to run the Ministry of Truth. He said she is “eminently qualified”, and did so with such force, and conviction, and righteous indigitation that it must be true. But a quick look at her CV (there isn’t enough substance there to warrant a long look) will reveal that she is a vacuous empty suit.

First of all, Scary Poppins is in her early thirties which means she’s good with her thumbs on a phone, she can take a selfie, and she exudes the narcissism of Millennials. She has done nothing outside of a couple of bullshit internships. She claims to have written books with profound titles, but who has read them? She apparently testified before government entities, but since when does that qualify anyone for anything? She claims to be an expert on disinformation, but that is because she is an expert at creating disinformation. In her short Millennial life she has proven capable of regurgitating the liberal buzzwords of the day, nothing more. And by her own admission, her “thing” is musical theater. Is that the kind of serious person the Biden Administration wants in charge of supposed national security issues? (The answer is “yes”.)

My guess is that the Biden Administration panicked when Musk bought Twitter. After learning that they couldn’t use governmental powers to kill the deal, they said “We gotta do something!” and that something was to create the Ministry of Truth out of whole cloth. They had to figure out where to house it and DHS was as good a place as any. They could point to “disinformation” as a threat to national security. Alejandro could be relied upon to march to their tune, and he did.

For his part, Alejandro must have panicked when he had to come up with someone to run the Ministry of Truth. What are the qualifications? Was there a job description? He must have Googled “disinformation” and up popped Scary Poppins, the self-proclaimed expert on disinformation. She probably paid for such prominent positioning. Alejandro said “I’ve found the person!” And like the liberal performer that she is, Scary Poppins will now sing and Facebook and selfie her way through a bullshit job on her way to a career of bullshit jobs.

But the truly scary thing is that the Ministry of Truth is as Orwellian as it seems. God help the USA.



After nine years the state of Connecticut quietly killed its failed experiment in natural gas. This is the kind of government-subsidized “green” power project that would grift forever, with more and more taxpayer dollars being spent to prop up a business that can’t be sustained in an open marketplace. Like what’s been happening for years in the solar power industry.

Connecticut’s experiment in natural gas was a failure before it left the drawing board. It was the brain fart of know-nothing academic Dan Esty, who managed to convince then-governor Dannel Malloy that converting Connecticut to natural gas was a good idea. Esty came from Yale and, not surprisingly, went back to Yale long before the death knell was rung. (It’s interesting that politicians with four-year terms always come up with a five-year plan.)

In between his meaningless stints at Yale, Esty somehow managed to head up Connecticut’s Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (now THAT is an oxymoron). Yes, Connecticut fell hook, line, and sinker for a plan that was created by a guy with zero experience in the business of energy. But he was married to a sitting member of Congress, Elizabeth Esty, and they were regarded as Connecticut’s power couple. Anything they proposed would work, right? (BTW-Elizabeth was forced to resign after just two terms because she covered up for an abuser on her staff by not reporting a male abuser of a female staffer and then recommending him for another job. Not a real smart move by a woman in the middle of the Me Too Movement.)

With the exception of the Town of Wallingford which produces its own electricity, Connecticut had and continues to have some of the highest electricity rates in the country. They have a two-part system that requires consumers to choose both their electricity producer and their electricity provider. The deals are so complicated and misleading and fraught with corruption that it will take years to settle all the complaints and litigation. Connecticut also has a perfectly functioning nuclear power plant, but they try every year to close it down. Nuclear ain’t woke. Enter Dan Esty.

Connecticut had virtually no natural gas infrastructure a decade ago. Even after nine years of state subsidies, only 28% of the projected market has been tapped. Natural gas was THE thing back then because it was cleaner than coal or oil-fired power plants. It was considered “green”. It was also cheap at the time, being fracked in great quantities in “nearby” Pennsylvania. It didn’t matter to Esty or Malloy or anyone else in power that there was no existing way to get the gas from Pennsylvania to Connecticut. There were no gas-fired power plants in Connecticut. There was no network of pipelines that would allow gas to be delivered to homes and businesses. All that infrastructure was going to built at taxpayer expense, it would create jobs, and with gas so cheap it would be worth it to everyone.

Today fracking ain’t woke. Gas prices have sky-rocketed because Joe Biden has intentionally made the U.S. dependent upon foreign energy (don’t believe that “it’s Putin’s fault” story). The infrastructure for natural gas STILL doesn’t exist in Connecticut. But now they have a new offshore wind project that will be the panacea that natural gas promised to be nine years ago. Wind is woke.

Just don’t tell anybody that the onshore infrastructure for Connecticut’s offshore wind project is already tens of millions of dollars over budget and it is the subject of a federal investigation involving Kosta Diamantis and other Connecticut officials. And we think having the government in charge of energy is a good idea because…?



To paraphrase Hitler and Goebbels, ‘Tell people a big enough lie, tell it often enough, and people will come to believe it.’. The liberal playbook is to blame conservatives for everything, from crime to climate change to Covid 19. One large chapter in that playbook is about the media. The nations woes, whatever they may be, are the fault of the conservative media. Only the liberal media believes in the tenets of free speech and only the liberal media provides “the truth”. And those principles and that practice only apply to liberal thought. If a contrarian view is expressed by conservatives it is immediately labeled “hate speech” and banned by the Karens at Twitter, Google, Apple and by liberal lemmings and parrots everywhere. Free speech only applies if you agree with the liberal ethos, otherwise your voice is aggressively censored.

A recent example of such fascist thought-control comes to us from Ellen Pao via the Washington Post. Pao is the former CEO of the social media platform Reddit, who trades on gender and race and ethnicity (another page out of the liberal playbook). Pao believes Elon Musk is bad for Twitter. He might actually allow free speech, like he does in Ukraine via his Starlink internet service. Musk is ensuring that the Ukrainians have access to the internet while their country is under attack, but he won’t censor the voices of Ukraine’s Russian aggressors. A pretty good example of true freedom of speech.

Pao thinks it’s okay for Twitter and other media to censor free speech. She thinks it’s bad when rich people control media platforms. Yes, she was writing these words in the Washington Post, which is owned by Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, who we think fits the definition of a rich guy who owns a media platform. It’s just that Bezos is liberal, so it’s okay for his views to be espoused through the Washington Post.

Pao neglects to mention that these social media behemoths are really oligarchies, controlling most of the content and revenue that gets generated via the internet. And they accomplish this without being subject to the same regulations that govern legacy media like television, radio, and newspapers. In other words, Big Tech can do what it wants. And despite all the political theater of Congressional hearings, don’t expect anything to change. Big Tech spends more money greasing Washington politicians than any other industry.

With a family background that includes Taiwan and Communist China, you might think that Pao would have a different view of media censorship. But she was born in the U.S. and has learned the liberal grift: Blame conservatives and white men for everything, sue based upon sexual harassment and racial bigotry, and the world will provide you with attention and compensation. Throw in fashionable liberal buzzwords like climate change, social equity, and mental health – regardless of their relevance to your argument – and you’ve got a sure winner.



Connecticut Judge Alice Bruno hasn’t shown up for work in two years, yet she has cashed nearly $400,000 in paychecks during that time. She claims a hostile work environment. She claims her assigned court isn’t convenient to where she lives. She claims she needs to miss work for doctors’ appointments for an undisclosed medical condition. But how can she claim a hostile work environment when she isn’t IN the work environment? How about moving closer to work, or asking to be re-assigned? And if she can’t work because of a medical condition, why hasn’t she quit? The only “hostility” shown to her has been questions from her superiors about why she hasn’t shown up for work. Seems reasonable when her cases go unheard and other cases need to be re-tried at taxpayer expense because of her absence.

And what about the state of Connecticut? How did Ms. Bruno’s grift manage to go unnoticed or unaddressed for two years? Now this is the same state government that through its UConn division paid a man named Bigazzi’s wife for six months after he died. It didn’t dawn on anyone that the professor hadn’t shown up for work? It took the discovery of his dead body, put into plastic wrap by his wife after she whacked him, before anyone caught on. And this is the same state government that allowed state employee Kosta Diamantis to grift off of hundreds of millions of dollars in school spending. But we digress.

What is even more incredulous about Judge Bruno is that she thinks she is a victim. Her colleagues were mean to her. Work is too far for her to go. She can’t be troubled to show up for a hearing about her case because it’s just too stressful for her. And despite dereliction of duty, having already grifted 400K, she now wants to retire on a medical disability at taxpayer expense! And instead of someone having the backbone to say “you’re fired and you owe us $400,000 “, our Woke culture actually gives this grifting snowflake the time of day.